

Mindfulness & Sustainability

Meine Doktorarbeit untersuchte ob Achtsamkeit das nachhaltige Verhalten von Menschen unterstützt. Meine Theorie ist, dass Achtsamkeit indirekt die Nachhaltigkeit fördert, weil es die Aufmerksamkeit der Menschen auf die Pflanzen und Tiere um sie herum lenkt und dadurch allmählich deren Beziehung zur Natur wiederherstellt. Gerade warte ich auf das Ergebnis eines Antrags für ein Postdoc Stipendium, um diese Theorie mit einer Achtsamkeitsintervention in der Natur zu testen. Unten findest du eine Liste meiner Veröffentlichungen.

For my doctoral thesis, I researched whether mindfulness practices promote sustainable behaviour change. My theory is that mindfulness indirectly benefits sustainability because it makes people pay attention to the plants and animals around them and slowly restores their relationship with nature. At the moment I am awaiting the result of a postdoc fellowship application which would allow me to test this theory with a mindfulness intervention in a nature setting. Below you find my publications.


Ecological Economics

Motivating individuals for social transition: The 2-pathway model and experiential strategies for pro-environmental behaviour and well-being

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Journal of Cognitive Enhancement

The way forward in mindfulness and sustainability: a critical review and research agenda



Frontiers in Psychology

Practice Matters: Pro-environmental Motivations and Diet-Related Impact Vary With Meditation Experience



How Does Mindfulness Affect Pro-environmental Behaviors? A Qualitative Analysis of the Mechanisms of Change in a Sample of Active Practitioners

“The fact that in some people, doing things for the environment is strongly motivated by feelings of connectedness with nature, empathetic concern, and genuine love and care towards nature makes these into actions of compassion rather than of moral duty. ”

— Published in Ecological Economics, 2020